Mardin İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü

Şeyh Çabuk Cami

Hz Muhammed'e ulaklık eden Şeyh Çabuk adına inşa edilen caminin yapım tarihi kesin olarak bilinmemektedir. Birinci Cadde'de ana yol üzerinde ziyaret edebileceğiniz cami, bugünkü görünümünü 15'inci yüzyılda almıştır. Şeyh Çabuk Cami Mardin'deki cami ve mescitlerin genel özelliği olan enine yayılan plana sahiptir.

Şeyhçabuk Camii-Hz. Muhammet'in Postasının Mezarı3.JPG

The mosque was built in the name of Sheikh Çabuk, messenger of the Prophet Muhammad. The exact date of the construction is not known. The mosque located in the main road on First Street, took its present appearance in the 15th century. Şeyh Çabuk Mosque has a widthwise spread plan, which is the general characteristic of mosques and masjids in Mardin.

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La mezquita fue construida en nombre del jeque Çabuk, mensajero del profeta Mahoma. La fecha exacta de la construcción no se conoce. La mezquita ubicada en la vía principal de la calle Primera, tomó su aspecto actual en el siglo XV. La Mezquita Şeyh Çabuk tiene una planta extendida a lo ancho, que es la característica general de las mezquitas y mezquitas en Mardin.
Şeyhçabuk Camii4.JPG

The mosque was built in the name of Sheikh Chabuk, the messenger of the Prophet Muhammad.The exact date of construction is unknown.The mosque, located off the main road on First Street, took on its current form in the 15th century.Sheikh Chabuk Mosque has a wide plan, which is a common characteristic of mosques and mosques in Mardin.